Black Window Frames. A New Trend?

It’s always good to be on the pulse of what’s coming soon in the design world, and black window frames are one of those things slowly rising to prominence. If you’re looking for your next big home decor trend, this is it.


A black window frame can emphasize a view or conceal it. It can create striking shadows or reduce glare. It will increase energy efficiency by blocking the sun’s heat and ultraviolet rays. And it will keep your living space more private, lessening distractions from passersby and people peering in through your windows while they walk by on the street below.


The black window frame isn’t new — it’s been around for a while, but this is the first time I’ve seen it in more mainstream use. It’s nothing that hasn’t been done before- they’re just now becoming trendy.


If you’re wondering why, we have a few ideas:


The current popularity of LED light bulbs combined with the sharp drop in their price has made them more affordable than incandescent bulbs, which are being phased out and replaced by compact fluorescents (CFLs). CFLs also last longer and use less energy, which further reduces their cost to produce.


Ninety percent of your electric bill is the cost of running heat during the winter, and heating buildings is a significant part of the energy required to keep America warm. The black window frame will let in less heat with windows open and can cut your energy bill by 10% or more.


Black frame paint reflects heat and light while absorbing them, reducing your energy costs. Black window frames also reflect much less light than standard white frames, which reduces glare on your street-facing windows and reduces the amount of light you’re wasting in your living space.


New black window frames are capable of stopping almost all the sun’s rays from entering a room, creating a cooler living space that uses less air conditioning to maintain comfortable temperatures. New black window frames have the added benefit of being better for your skin. UV rays cause wrinkles and skin cancer, and a well-placed black window frame will keep out 99% or more of those harmful rays.


Black window frames can reduce your home’s visibility from the street, helping you to keep your privacy and security. And, in fact, many people use the black window frame for just that purpose.


A black window frame will complement any decor style- but especially neo-eclectic, retro-chic and artsy styles. A black window frame works well with modern (especially minimalistic), Asian, industrial and countryside styles because it offers a contrast to those styles.


Bottom line

A black window frame will make your house more energy efficient and reduce your energy costs. It will also save you money on air conditioning, increase privacy and security, and keep your rooms cooler in the summer. And it has a strong chance of becoming a hot trend in home décor.


As a new concept, it’s not going to be cheap or easy to implement- but as an energy efficient alternative to standard frame paint, it’s definitely worth giving a shot. It might just turn out to be a better alternative for covering your windows than anything else you’ve tried.


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